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Dr. Noble's Multipronged Approach to Relieving a Patient's Pain

mature couple hikingWhat would you like to do if you weren’t sidelined by persistent pain? Run that half marathon? Return to your golf game? Play with your grandkids? For one of our patients, he wanted to go on a hunting trip but was plagued by pain.

When he came into our office with considerable discomfort, Sean planned to go on that hunting trip in four weeks. He couldn’t hold his head straight, he had pain and numbness in his arm and stiffness in his neck. An MRI revealed discs pushing on the nerves, which explained the discomfort Sean was experiencing. Dr. Noble started providing treatment immediately to get the inflammation down and the muscles in Sean’s shoulder and neck responding.

Within about 10 days, Sean experienced remarkable relief. This rapid improvement was largely due to Dr. Noble’s Neuro-emotional Technique and the use of cold laser therapy. He also provided chiropractic care using the Arthrostim instrument, further aiding Sean’s recovery.

The Role of Natural Anti-Inflammatories

Dr. Noble then introduced Sean to natural anti-inflammatories from Nutri-West. Unlike common OTC medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, these natural products reduce inflammation and promote healing. They don’t contain any chemicals, leading to better absorption and fewer side effects. Dr. Noble has seen hundreds of patients benefit from these natural anti-inflammatories when taken as recommended.

Another way to reduce inflammation in the body is through diet. Processed foods, for example, cause inflammation. Through his nutritional counseling service, Dr. Noble helps patients understand how a healthy diet can contribute to pain relief and wellness.

The Remarkable Outcome

In addition to being able to go on his hunting trip without any symptoms, Sean also started sleeping better. He no longer had any pain, and the numbness in his arm went away. The success of his treatment plan showcases the effectiveness and potential of natural anti-inflammatories and Dr. Noble’s natural, multipronged approach to healing.

Could you be our next patient success story?

We’re here to help you return to what you love in life, whatever that may be. Give our practice a call today to book an appointment with Dr. Noble!


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