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Nutritional Counseling in Bellingham

fruit and chia puddingAt Noble Chiropractic, our approach to wellness extends beyond chiropractic care. Dr. Noble provides nutritional counseling to help patients understand the profound influence of diet on their overall health.

Many people come to us with inflammation and other health issues that stem from their diet. Through nutritional counseling, we aim to educate patients about foods that can have a positive or negative impact on their health.


Food and Inflammation

Certain foods, like processed sugars, can cause chronic inflammation when consumed regularly. Gluten can also cause inflammation in some people—for example those with celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Part of our nutritional counseling involves helping patients understand the impact of these foods on their health, and guiding them towards healthier alternatives.

Our Customized Approach

Each individual is unique, and so are their nutritional needs. Our nutritional counseling is not about setting strict diets, which are doomed to fail, but about making simple changes that can have a significant impact. We understand that changes can be overwhelming, so we introduce them gradually, once treatment has begun and patients start to feel improvements.

Testing and Supplements

We conduct tests for omega levels and vitamin D levels to help inform our nutritional advice. For more complex cases, referrals to a naturopath may be provided. We also recommend high-quality supplements from trusted brands, such as Innate Choice and Nutri-West.

The Power of Nutrition

Ensuring adequate hydration, increasing fiber intake, and transitioning to a whole foods diet are some strategies we employ.

Our goal is to help patients see nutrition in a new light and understand how a healthy diet can contribute to pain relief and wellness.

Book an Appointment

Start your journey towards better health today. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Noble to explore how nutritional counseling can complement your chiropractic care!


Nutritional Counseling in Bellingham WA | (360) 671-7067