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Movement Lab for Seniors in Bellingham

Dr Noble with a patient working on the balance boardAccording to the CDC, “Each year, about 3 million older adults are treated in emergency departments for a fall injury. One out of every five falls causes an injury, such as broken bones or a head injury.”

Falls can have devastating physical effects on a senior, but also emotional, as they can lose confidence and often move less.

Restoring Balance and Confidence

Dr. Noble’s Movement Lab can play a significant role in restoring balance, agility and confidence in seniors while decreasing the fall rate.

From moving through uneven terrain to walking up and down stairs or through the house at night, these actions can be challenging-if not frightening-for many seniors. By changing the neurological patterns to increase muscle recruitment in one’s feet and hips, balance is naturally improved, along with agility and confidence.

What to Expect

Movement Lab is more of a treatment versus a workout. Dr. Noble will help you work on your balance, but it’s the treatment that changes the balance and how fast muscles get recruited.

The treatment includes sessions on balance boards, which consist of a flat surface that sits on an unstable bottom. Balance boards produce the precise conditions for the patient to actively work on stability and balance. Standing on the board requires concentration and minor adjustments throughout the body to maintain balance.

Dr. Noble will be the only one working with you during your session(s), and he will hold your hand to provide a sense of security and comfort.

Achieve Lasting Change

At the end of a session or multiple sessions, there’s a cumulative process where the patient’s balance has improved by improving their neurological pattern. Once that pattern has been changed, it stays about 99% of the time.

“In as little as 30 minutes, impactful changes can be made in Movement Lab, which will have a significant impact on one’s life as they age. We want to help seniors feel safer, be more active, and have a more fulfilling life,” said Dr. Noble. Through Movement Lab, a large percentage of patients have improved their balance to the point where their confidence has grown significantly.

Here’s what one patient had to say:

It’s just amazing.” Maureen A., age 70

Book an Appointment

Wondering if you can benefit from Movement Lab? Contact us today to schedule an appointment!



Movement Lab for Seniors Bellingham WA | (360) 671-7067